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咖啡事件接二連三地發生!! 到了三月,啡聞與PMQ首次聯手舉辨咖啡比賽! 眾咖啡師們,不要再埋沒自己,給自己一個機會,向大眾展示你們的所長吧~

================================= PMQ Coffee Agenda 咖啡生活市集2019.4.19-22 - 公開徵集咖啡師Open Call for Barista -


咖啡江湖,高手臥虎藏龍!本次PMQ Coffee Agenda將徵集獨立咖啡師,勝出的4位咖啡師,將成為兩日市集咖啡檔主,為公眾帶來獨到的咖啡匠心手藝。報名平台將於3月9日中午12時開啟,請密切留意我們的更新!

PMQ Coffee Agenda will launch “Open call for Barista”, which will provide a chance for all independent talented baristas to show their passion, skills, and also their story behind the cup. 4 baristas will be finally selected and each of them will be offered ONE booth in the market on TWO specific days and sell their coffee to the public. The registration link will be ready for sign up at 12nn on 9 March.

報名時間: 2019.3.9 | 12:00nn - 3.13 | 22:00

候選方式: 以抽籤方式抽出10位入圍咖啡師

Meeting the Panel 時間: 2019.3.20 |10:00 - 20:00

地點: PMQ元創方B座5樓H504室味道圖書館

評審過程: 每位入圍者將有35分鐘時間,完成準備(5min)、介紹(5min)、沖煮(20min)、清潔(5min)等環節。沖煮要求包括: 意式濃縮咖啡4杯、 牛奶咖啡2杯、咖啡特飲1壺及手沖咖啡1壺。

勝出咖啡師: 最終將有4個勝出名額。勝出者將於市集4月19-22日期間獲得兩日咖啡攤位售賣由其沖煮的咖啡飲品。而每位勝出者亦需接受安排,於市集期間其餘兩日,向公眾示範與分享手沖技巧。


Application date and time: 2019.3.9 | 12:00nn - 3.13 | 22:00

Candidate selection: 10 applicants will proceed to be candidates by random ballot.

Meeting the Panel Date & Time:2019.3.20 |10:00 - 20:00

Location: Taste Library, H504, 5/F, Block B, PMQ

Selection Procedures: Each candidate will serve beverage from all four categories of coffee drinks within 35 minutes, the session includes: Set The Table (5min), Self-introduction (5min), Making Coffee Drinks (20min), and Clean-Up (5 min). Four categories of coffee drinks include 4 cups of expresso, 2 Milk beverage with latte art, 1 pot of brewed coffee and 1 pot of signature beverage.

Grant: Each winner will be offered ONE booth on TWO specific days during the coming PMQ Coffee Agenda, in which they can sell coffee to the public. On the other two days in the market, they will be arranged to share their coffee knowledge and brewing techniques to the public in specific timeslots.

For more details, please refer to the application link published at 12nn, 9 Mar

====== PMQ Coffee Agenda 咖啡生活市集====== 時間Time: 2019.4.19-22 地點Location:Courtyard & Marketplace, G/F, PMQ 主辦單位Organised by: PMQ 元創方 協辦單位Co-organised by : 啡聞 Coffeeder

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